Space Investment day


Innovatum Science Park is one of the European Space Agency Incubators and has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs to build space-tech startups. After many years working with space tech startups they realised that because of the mystery about aerospace industry, there were limited investments in space-tech startups.


At the onset of the COVID19 pandemic, Innovatum Startup faced a common challenge shared by numerous Incubators. They grappled with the task of devising strategies to foster the growth of startups, facilitate Investment opportunities, and facilitate global recognition. It became imperative to formulate a comprehensive plan that would empower the startup ecosystem. Our primary objective was to establish effective avenues for bridging the gap between Investors and space-tech startups.


The team at Innovatum Startup, including myself, embarked on the Project by carefully outlining the potential benefits for its key stakeholders. These stakeholders encompassed investors, startups, and the general public. Our vision crystallized into the concept of Space Investment Day, a comprehensive online event designed to dedicate an entire day to showcasing space-tech startups and facilitating their access to investment opportunities through direct connections with Investors.


To date, his project has successfully linked 300 startups with 200 investors, and this number continues to expand each year. Among the noteworthy startups, there is one called Porkchop, which has recently received significant attention and support. This continues to be amongst the most succesfull European Space Agency Projects.