Unpacking the Top SKills of 2023

Picture of Thato Brander in a Nasa Branded Jacket
Written By: Thato Brander

I’m writing this in 2023, Generative AI is here, ChatGPT enterprise has been launched. Automation has come to the workplace meaning millions of jobs will evaporate, but the picture is not all gloomy, millions of jobs will be created also in the process. The question is will the workforce be ready, will they have the right skills that are needed to thrive in this monumental shift in the economy? How will people create value? when machines can perform tasks better than them?

I look at the Future of Jobs Report 2023 by the World Economic Forum, I particularly focus on the skills that are needed in 2023 according to companies. I also look at the skills that are on the rise and possible reasons why. Those looking to future-proof their careers this article is for you. In an ever-changing landscape of work, technological disruption is on the rise, Industries are changing. The way we do things will start to change and also jobs will start to look different. We need to be able to react fast.

Future of Jobs Report is based on a unique survey-based data set covering the expectations of a wide cross-section of the world’s largest employers related to job trends and directions for the 2023—2027 period. This report brings together the perspectives of 803 companies – collectively employing more than 11.3 million workers – across 27 industry clusters and 45 economies from all world regions.

What are the Top 10 Skills of 2023?

From the survey that was done the top 10 skills include Analytical thinking as the highest ranked out of all the skills needed by companies. Creative thinking is ranked second among the skills that make the two top highest-ranked skills according to companies’ cognitive skills. The skills that came in below were all self-efficacy skills these include resilience, flexibility, and agility; motivation and self-awareness; curiosity, and lifelong learning - Recognising that employees will need to adjust to a changing workplace(for more read this article). The next skill that comes is technological literacy, which is the only technological skill in the top 10. Dependability and attention to detail follow next completing the self-efficacy skills that are in the top 10. The next two skills fall under the working with others category this includes empathy and active listening; and leadership and social influence.

Inforgraphic showing skills that are on the top skills in 2023

Which Skills are on the rise?

Over the next five years, a lot will start to change, as we start to feel the effects of the recent technological breakthroughs and the changing work landscape. These are the top 10 skills that are expected to rise over the next few years

Inforgraphic showing skills that are on the top skills in 2023

Which industries or sectors are these skills in high demand?

According to the report, most of these core skills are the same across industries, Excluding the Media, Entertainment, and Sports Industry, where empathy, active listening, dependability, and attention to detail are valued at only half the global average in other sectors.

The Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing sector stands out as an exception due to its strong emphasis on environmental stewardship. This industry places increasing importance on skills such as manual dexterity, endurance, precision, and resource management. Similarly, the Chemical and Advanced Materials industry also values environmental stewardship, in addition to leadership and social influence skills. In contrast, the Electronics and Education and Training industries share a common emphasis on the significance of fostering systems thinking skills among their workforce.

Why are these these skills on the rise now?

  • This survey conducted by the WEF is annual, and it suggests that creative thinking in relation to analytical thinking is becoming more and more important, suggesting that this might be because workplace tasks are increasingly being automated.
  • The skills that are increasing in importance are mostly cognitive skills, with advancements that have happened in technology it seems businesses are after complex problem-solving skills. This could for example the ability to see relationships between different industries and craft creative solutions to problems that are yet to appear.
  • Businesses are paying more attention to certain attitudes and skills in their employees. These include:
  • companies believe it's crucial for their employees to be resilient and open to learning throughout their careers. Additionally, they also think that skills like systems thinking, AI and big data knowledge, talent management, and being customer-oriented are essential.

What to do ?

Improving your skills has never been more convenient than it is today. We now have greater access to information than ever before. Numerous online courses are available to help you acquire valuable workplace skills. It's crucial to examine your particular industry and its future direction to ensure you stay relevant. As mentioned, lifelong learning will be crucial, so it's essential to be prepared for significant shifts in the market. This preparation will ensure that you're ready for potential job changes and layoffs

