The significance of Lifelong Learning: Navigating a Dynamic Modern Landscape

Picture of Thato Brander in a Nasa Branded Jacket
Written By: Thato Brander

In today's economy, the escalating significance of lifelong learning is emphasized by a host of trends. From new advances in technology, generational shifts, changes in demographics, and changes in attitudes. For example, the most recent introduction of Chat-GPT has demonstrated the power of Generative AI to many people and companies and has sparked conversations about the effects it will have on the workforce. It is likely that there will be a need to engage in lifelong learning given the growing ability of technology to do certain job tasks and there is a growing awareness.

Research also shows that now the average Job tenure is 4.4 years and for employees that are aged below 34 years of age, the average job tenure is about half of this number(McKinsey). It is likely that those changing jobs will need to upskill or reskill to remain competitive. On the African continent, there is a growing young population, and a growing workforce, which underlines the likelihood that this trend will be more prevalent on the continent also given the skill gap.

In 2021 Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google announced that the company would invest $1 Billion in Africa to support digital transformation on the continent. The Internet economy opportunity on the continent has the potential to grow to $180 Billion by 2025. Through their agenda 2063, the African Union has also made policy commitments to catalyze education and skills with Lifelong learning as key to development.

The current trends strongly highlight the urgent need for well-rounded education and training programs that cater to people of all ages. In an ever-changing job market, it is crucial to provide the workforce with these skills.
