E-Learning the evolution: Trends

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Written By: Thato Brander

Changing consumer expectations and the introduction of new technologies are fuelling a shift in the way people learn. Research findings highlight that traditional university enrollment has experienced a steady decline, averaging 3% (Mckinsey). In contrast, online universities are witnessing a remarkable surge, with enrollment numbers at the largest institutions soaring by an average of 11%. It comes as no surprise that 98% of Universities have shifted to start offering online courses (Upskillwise).

Mobile learning and Microlearning are the trends that are currently gaining significant momentum in the e-learning space. Microlearning is about breaking lessons into tiny, easy-to-understand parts, while mobile learning lets you access these lessons on your phone or tablet, even when you're on the move. From 2020, mobile e-learning saw an impressive surge with a $38 Billion Increase, and this upward trend is set to continue. The rise of language learning applications like Duolingo has contributed to the mobile e-learning trend by combining the power of microlearning on the go.

Gamification which encompasses the incorporation of game-like elements in education and training is experiencing a rapid rise in popularity as it can be more engaging and interactive. Furthermore, studies highlight its capacity to positively impact learners, fostering increased engagement and motivation (Science Direct).

The rise of social media and content creators has also made social media a place for learning. People now learn from social media and platforms have added all types of functionalities that allow for voice video and text. social Learning and Collaboration are becoming increasingly vital, students from across the world can collaborate, and share knowledge and opportunities, For example, some courses use platforms like Discord to create learning communities.






